Travel Entertainment: Movies

So, I was planning to be gone for two weeks. We had a total of 8 sea days and over 10 hours flight time round trip. I definitely needed to plan my personal entertainment.

The easiest choices were the movies. I picked movies I wanted to see, but hadn’t yet had time to watch. Normally, I wouldn’t take my iPad with me on a cruise, but with so much downtime, I kinda didn’t have a choice. I mean, I had just upgraded from the Air to the the Air 2. Who leaves the new gadget at home? Definitely not me! So, here is the movie playlist:

1. Conan the Destroyer
Conan the Destroyer
So, this is obviously an old movie, but I had just recently found out that Mom had never seen either of the Conan movies. I was completely aghast! So, we had already watched the first one and decided to add this to the playlist so she could join the rest of us. lol

2. Edge of Tomorrow
Edge of Tomorrow
I’ve been trying to tell Tom Cruise to retire through my movie screen, but somehow the message never gets through and he puts out another movie. Sigh. But, the plot was interesting, so I gave it a try. It was actually pretty good.

3. A Million Ways to Die in the West
A Million Ways to Die in the West
I actually didn’t get around to watching this one…

4. Sex Tape
Sex Tape
This was absolutely hee-larry-us!! I recommend it!

5. God’s Not Dead
God's Not Dead
This was an intellectual feel good movie. I will admit, not everyone will enjoy it. It starts out a little slow and the acting is not the best, but overall, I enjoyed it.

6. Neighbors
Another funny movie. I enjoyed this immensly!

7. Hercules
I enjoyed the action and of course The Rock was easy on the eyes! This was a better storyline than the Hercules movie released earlier in 2014.

8. Tammy
This was not what I expected. It had funny moments, but overall the movie left me nonplussed.

I was pretty shocked that I had actually watched so many movies while on vacation. But I’m glad I had them. Do you take movies with you on vacation?

Until next time…

Your Cruise Girl

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